Adult Placement: An Introduction to the Principles and Practice of Adult Placement
All About Us: The Story of People with a Learning Disability and Mencap
Autism in the Family
A Voice of Their Own: A Toolbox of Ideas and Information for Non-instructed Advocacy
BILD Code of Practice for the Use of Physical Interventions: A Guide for Trainers and Commissioners of Training
Career Training and Personal Planning for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Practical Resource for Schools
Care Trusts: Partnership Working in Action
Change Health Picture Bank
Children, Youth and Adults with Aspergers Syndrome Integating Multiple Perspectives
Constructive Campaigning for Autism Services: The Pace Parents’ Handbook
Counselling Adults with Learning Disabilities
Exploring Sexual and Social Understanding: An illustrated pack designed for working with people with learning disabilities
Heavy Load: A Film About Happiness
Helping People with Learning Disabilities Manage Continence: A Workbook for Support Workers and Carers AND Supporting Continence Management: A Reader for Managers
How To Understand Autism – The Easy Way
I’m Gonna Go For It
Inclusive Research with People with Learning Disabilities
In the Know: Implementing good practice. Information and tools for anyone supporting people with a learning disability and dementia
Intimate and Personal Care with People with Learning Disabilities
Jake’s Justice: A Film about the Sexual Abuse in a Care Home of a Man with Learning Difficulties
Keys to Citizenship: A Guide to Getting Good Support for People with Learning Disabilities
Lifeball Special: An interactive approach to developing social skills for adults with learning disabilities
Life Stories, Quotes,Poems and Snapshots from People with Support Needs
Loss and Learning Disability
Men with Learning Disabilities who Sexually Abuse: Working Together to Develop Response-ability
My Life Plan: an interactive resource for person centred planning
My Money Matters: Guidance on Best Practice in Handling the Money of People with a Learning Disability
Medication in the Care Home
Partnerships for training: an easy access pack for developing equal training partnerships with people with a learning disability
Personal Development and Reflective Practice in a Learning Disability Service
Person-centred Active Support
Person Centred Planning in a Learning Disability Service
Person-Centred Planning and Care Management with People with Learning Disabilities
Person-Centred Therapy
Planning for Life: Involving Adults with Learning Disabilities in Service Planning
Planning and Support for People with Intellectual Disabilities: Issues for Case Managers and Other Professionals
Positive approaches to person-centred planning
Principals of Learning Disability Support. Induction award. Supporting people who have a learning disability
Real People, Real Stories
Reflections. Life Stories, Quotes,Poems and Snapshots from People with Support Needs
Silent Victims. The Continuing Failure to Protect Society’s Most Vulnerable and the Longcare Scandal
Speaking Out: A guide for advocates for children and young people with learning disabilities
Supporting a Child with Learning Disabilities and Challenging Behaviour
Supporting Complex Need: A practical guide for support staff working with people with a learning disability who have mental health needs
Support for living? The impact of the Supporting People programme on housing and support for adults with learning disabilities
The Dyslexia Handbook 2006
The Shooting Party – Channel 4
Towards a Full Life – Researching Policy Innovation for People with Learning Disabilities
Vulnerable Adults and Community Care
Working Futures? Disabled People, Policy and Social Inclusion
Your Role as a Learning Disability Worker: Induction Award: Supporting people who have a learning disability
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