Advocacy in Action
Aggression at work and how to handle it
Applied Psychology for Social Work
A Practitioners’ Tool for the Assessment of Adults Who Sexually Abuse Children
A Route Out of Poverty? Disabled People, Work and Welfare Reform
Carers Guide to Physical Intervention and the Law
Care Standards Legislation Handbook
Collaboration in Social Work Practice
Collaborative Social Work Practice
Community Care and the Law
Community Care Policy and Practice
Courtroom skills for social workers
Critical Thinking for Social Work
Enhancing Social Work Management: Theory and best practice from the UK and USA
Going Local: Working in Communities and Neighbourhoods
How to be a Great Care Assistant
ICT for social welfare
Independent Toolkit
Information and Communication Technologies in the Welfare Services
Introducing Social Work
Islam and Social Work
Law and the Social Work Practitioner
Leadership: Being Effective and Remaining Human
Let’s laugh at ourselves (Clare in the Community)
Making Links Across SpecialismsManaging Care In Practice
Managing Care Reader
Managing in Health and Social Care: Essential Checklists for Frontline Staff
Managing Community Practice
Nick Stacey and Kent Social Services
Partnerships in Social Care: A Handbook for Developing Effective Services
Partnership Made Painless
Practical Computer Skills for Social Work
Practical Guide To Social Welfare Research (The)
Practising Welfare Rights
Promoting Social Interaction for Individuals with Communicative Impairments
Professionalism and Practice: Culture, Values and Services
Registered Manager’s Solution
Risk and Risk Taking in Health and Social Care
Safeguarding Adults in Social Work
Sexual issues in social work
S/NVQ 2 Health and Social Care
Social Work Assessment and Intervention
Social Work Ideals And Practice Realities
Social Work and Empowerment
Social Work and Evidence Based Practice
Social Work Making A Difference
Social work and multi-agency working
Solution-focused Approaches
Spirituality and Social Care
Staff Supervision in Social Care: Making a Real Difference for Staff and Service Users
State of Feminist Social Work
Strategic Moves: Thinking, planning and delivering differently
Stress at work and how to reduce it: a manager’s guide training course
Supporting Care Practice: Foundation Modern Apprenticeship, Level 2
Task-Centred Book
Teamwise, using research evidence: A practical guide for teams
The Art of Social Work Practice
The Barefoot Helper: Mindfulness and Creativity in Social Work and the Helping Professions
The Idea of Community, Social Policy and Self
The McDonaldization of Social Work
The Post Qualifying Handbook for Social Workers
Tolley’s Social Security and State Benefits: A Practical Guide
Transforming Community Care: A Distorted Vision?
Transforming Society? Social Work and Sociology
Understanding the Finance of Welfare
Understanding Health and Social Care
Understanding Research for Social Policy and Practice: Themes, Methods and Approaches
Understanding Social Security
Voices from the inside
What is Professional Social Work?
Working in Group Care: Social Work and Social Care in Residential and Day Care Settings
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