
ContactPoint was a computer database launched in 2008 that held information about every child in England designed to enable information sharing between agencies. On 6 August 2010 the government switched off ContactPoint.

The coalition said it did not believe the database was an effective way to help or support vulnerable children.

One of the government’s concerns about the system was security and the need to protect the information stored in the database.

Some even went so far as to call the system “illegal”.

Others had somewhat more measured concerns.

The government is currently planning a replacement for ContactPoint, which children’s minister Tim Loughton said may not even be IT-based. One organisation has designed a potential replacement based on social networking sites such as Facebook.

Others have suggested an enhanced Common Assessment Framework (CAF) could serve as a replacement.

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You may also like to view the children’s services blog which covers news, gossip and opinion from children’s social services. The blog is written by children’s editor, Judy Cooper, senior writer Molly Garboden and journalist Camilla Pemberton. 

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