The Borough of Poole is seeking a suitably skilled, innovative and experienced organisation to provide a range of recovery based day opportunities. The range of services should include one to one work, groups including those for people suffering from anxiety/panic, an information service, carers support, short breaks for carers and a befrienders service.
The purpose of the day opportunities is to promote and enhance the social inclusion of Adults with Mental Health Illnesses who are being provided with a Secondary Care Mental Health Service i.e.under the care of the Adult Community Mental Health Team. This service is for Poole residents who are based in the community.
The term of the contract is three years with an option to extend for a further two years, subject to funding and satisfactory performance throughout the initial contract period. The Borough is hoping for this service to commence in July 2009.
The current funding for these services is approx £165,000 per annum.
The closing date for expressions of interest is 29th January 2009. Tender packs will be issued week commencing 9th February 2009 with a tender closing date of 10th March 2009. Expressions of interest should be made in writing to:- Tel: 01202 261110 Email: The Borough of Poole does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender.
Charmaine Bray, Contracts Officer, Borough of Poole, Adult Social Services Commissioning, Civic Centre, Poole, Dorset BH15 2RU
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