Couple jailed over death of Sanam Navsarka

Couple jailed over death of Sanam Navsarka who suffered 107 injuries in a month

The mother of  two-year-old Sanam Navsarka who died after suffering more than 100 injuries was jailed for nine years yesterday after being convicted of her manslaughter.

Read this story in The Times

Couple vow to fight adoption ‘miscarriage of justice’

A husband and wife whose children were taken from them have pledged to fight on after a court decided they could be victims of a miscarriage of justice.

Read this story in The Guardian

Home secretary rejects advice to downgrade ecstasy

The credibility of the official system of drugs classification suffered a fresh blow yesterday after the home secretary, Jacqui Smith, again vetoed a key recommendation from her own expert drug advisers, this time to downgrade the dance drug ecstasy from its class A status.

Read this story in The Guardian

Boys and Girls Alone docmentary on Channel 4 ‘is child abuse’
Cornwall social services have demanded that Channel 4 axe a controversial series in which 20 primary school children are left without adult supervision for a fortnight.

Read this story in The Times

‘Elderly’ no longer acceptable word for older people

A new guide for journalists warns against using terms which discriminate against people of a certain age.

Read this story in The Times

Police investigate whether elderly woman died at care home after heating was switched off
Police are investigating whether a 97-year-old woman died at a care home because the heating may have been switched off.

Read this story in The Daily Telegraph


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