Independent Social Care Professionals
Aim to provide efficient, quality, affordable services to a wide spectrum of statutory, voluntary and private organisations and now individuals. You will benefit immensely in comparison to other providers as staff hold dual roles as Qualified Social Workers and Trainers. We offer a wide variety of courses but currently have spaces in the following:
Form F Assessments Writing Skills Training
Course Details
Title: Form F Assessments Writing Skills Training
Duration: 1 day
Date & Time: Saturday / Sunday 11am – 4pm
Venue: 443 Norwood Road, West Norwood SE27 9DQ
Spaces: 21 available
Cost: £230 per person
-Must book before arrival
Form F Assessments are some of the most complex and emotive assessments in which practitioners can be involved. This course is provided by a qualified Social worker / trainer and will cover the subject in full and by the end of the course, delegates will be able to:
o Develop, practice and confidently undertake comprehensive quality Form F Assessments
o Understand the requirements of the role of a foster carer and Form F Assessor
o Understand procedure and guidance legislation in respect to Form Assessments
Included in the cost of the course:
• Sample trigger questions to assist with Form F Assessment interviewing of potential foster carers
• Guidance book by Roger Chapman on undertaking Form F Assessments
o Certificate to evidence training towards GSCC PRTL and registration
Interview Skills for Newly Qualified Social Workers
This course is aimed at Social workers who need further support with interviewing skills to undertake work within child protection. It is also beneficial for social workers who want to switch from other sectors to child protection.
Course outline
By the end of this course delegates will be able to:
-understand the role of a child protection Social Worker and evidence this at interview stage
-to understand the law and basic assessments, principles underpinning social work practice and evidence this at interview stage
-To be able to analyse and pass written test case study
All candidates will receive
o a detailed manual in respect to interview preparation and child protection, law, procedure and principles.
o Certificate to evidence training towards GSCC PRTL and registration
Cost: £190 per person
Spaces: 25
To book a place on this course, please contact Deborah Nyarku:
Tel: 07940 190 013
Training Topics
Independent Social Care Professionals Ltd is committed to diversity and equal opportunities and will ensure that:
-Our training venues (if required) facilitates for people with disabilities or special needs
-Our training is conducted in a manner that values diversity
(Aimed at professionals who work directly or indirectly with children) for the following client groups:
• Nurseries
• Primary Schools
• Secondary Schools
• Colleges
• Children’s Centres
• Voluntary Organisations
• Local Authorities
• Recruitment Organisations
Independent Social Care Professionals can deliver training on the following topics
And many more……..
-Child Protection Level1
-Child Protection Level 2
-Child Protection Level 3
-Understanding Child development
-Effective Communication with Disabled Children
-Domestic Violence and Its Impact on Children
-Mental health and its Impact on Parenting
-Substance Misuse and its Impact on parenting
-Direct work with children
-Self Awareness and Risk assessment in Working with Children
-Working with Teenagers
-Working with Teenage Parents
-Working positively with Black and Ethnic Minority families
-Working with Unaccompanied Minors
-Child Trafficking
-Female Genital Mutilation
-Encouraging positive discipline
-Managing difficult Behaviour
-Safe baby handling
-Managing risk in Complex Cases
-Introduction to functioning of Social Work Teams for Newly Qualified Social Workers
-Assessment Writing Skills for Newly Qualified Social Workers
-Skills to foster training-Foster Carers
-Working with Children and Families affected by HIV and Aids
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