What is the impact of negative media coverage on social workers?

In the first episode of a new podcast by Community Care we explore the impact of negative media coverage of social work

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The first episode of the Social Work Community Podcast, from Community Care

The Social Work Community Podcast is a new offering from Community Care.

It will focus on career and workplace-related issues that affect students, newly qualified social workers and more experienced practitioners.

In June, Community Care launched our Choose Social Work campaign to champion the social work profession and inspire the next generation of social workers.

As part of this, we are exploring how the often negative media coverage of the profession affects social workers – and how it can be improved.

This is the subject of the first episode of The Social Work Community Podcast, which features experienced social worker Alasdair Kennedy, and Becky Salter, who retrained as a social worker during the pandemic.

They discuss how high-profile cases, where children have died, have affected their practice, how TV soaps get it wrong and what less experienced social workers can do to cope with negativity towards the profession.

Listen to “What is the impact of negative media coverage on social workers?” on Spreaker.

The podcast is available on most podcast platforms such as Spotify and Audible (Amazon), or you can find it by putting ‘the social work community podcast’ into your search engine.

It will also be part of our new community site, The Social Work Community, which will be launching soon, offering you a safe, positive space to share careers guidance, network with peers, and exchange experiences of social work.

Sign up for free to our Community Care Daily newsletter to be the first to know about the new community.

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