The pros and cons of being a young social worker

In the second episode of the brand new Social Work Community Podcast two social workers, in their early twenties, talk about their experiences of being young practitioners

Have you experienced or been made aware of ageism towards young social workers?

  • Yes, I've experienced it. (49%, 48 Votes)
  • No. (33%, 32 Votes)
  • Yes, I've been made aware of it. (18%, 17 Votes)

Total Voters: 97

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The Social Work Community Podcast is a new offering from Community Care.

It focuses on career and workplace-related issues that affect students, newly qualified social workers and more experienced practitioners.

In the second episode of The Social Work Community Podcast guests Omar Mohamed, 22, and Elizabeth Glandfield, 23, discuss how people they work with don’t always take them seriously at first because of how old they look.

They also talk about how being “in with the kids” is a strength that they bring to their teams, the latest trends among young people that social workers should be aware of and whether reverse ageism is a thing.

Trigger warning: please note there is mention of self-harm and suicidal thoughts in this episode that some listeners may find upsetting. If you are affected by anything discussed you can call the Samaritans on 116123.

Listen to “The Social Work Community Podcast” on Spreaker.

The podcast is available on most podcast platforms, including Spotify , Audible (Amazon) and Apple podcasts, or you can find it by putting ‘the social work community podcast’ into your search engine.

It is also part of our new community site, The Social Work Community, which offers a safe, positive space to share careers guidance, network with peers, and exchange experiences of social work. You can sign up now!


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