BASW chief elected president of International Federation of Social Workers Europe

Ruth Allen says she intends to use role to build connections between social workers across the continent to promote knowledge sharing and solidarity

Map of Europe with countries marked by flags
Image: koya979/Adobe Stock

British Association of Social Workers (BASW) chief executive Ruth Allen has been elected president of the International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW) Europe.

Allen was elected for a four-year term by the 41 member organisations that make up IFSW Europe, which is both a regional division of social work’s global association and a legal entity in its own right.

That status means it is able to engage in relevant forums and organisations across the continent, such as the Council of Europe, which oversees the European Convention on Human Rights, and European Union agencies.

IFSW’s 2023 annual report said the Europe division’s work during the year included enhancing the capacity of national associations to influence decision-making on social work and contributing to an EU strategy on social care.

BASW head ‘deeply honoured’

Ruth Allen, chief executive of the British Association of Social Workers

BASW chief executive Ruth Allen

Allen, appointed BASW chief executive in 2016 and already a member of IFSW Europe’s executive committee, said she was “deeply honoured” to have been elected president.

“I look forward to working closely with all our members and partners to advance our organization’s mission. We need to work together across Europe to promote the vital role that social work plays in building just and equitable societies.

“I aim to build more connections between social workers across Europe and globally, to promote the sharing of knowledge and solidarity across our profession, and to raise up the voice of social work as a force for good across all our societies.”

Her predecessor as president, Ana Rădulescu, said that Allen was “dedicated and passionate about promoting the values and principles of social work”, adding: “I am confident that you will continue to make significant contributions to the promotion of human rights, social justice and solidarity among social work professionals.”

Prior to taking on the BASW role, Allen was director of social work at South West London and St George’s Mental Health NHS Trust.

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One Response to BASW chief elected president of International Federation of Social Workers Europe

  1. Viv April 10, 2024 at 8:53 am #

    IFSW are about as useful as a chocolate fireguard. This appointment is about prestige and nothing else. Come and do some real social work like the rest of us.