Training materials: You Have The Right: A resource pack about the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child

Book Cover - You have the right You Have The Right: A resource pack about the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
 Particip8, £45


This is primarily a resource pack aimed at children aged 7-11 years (key stage 2) comprising a short video in which children and young people use drama to explain each article of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, writes Alan Jones.

At the end of the video the children are asked which article is the most important to them. The articles chosen ranged from “the right to life” to “the right to education”.

I was waiting for article 12 (freedom of expression) to be chosen but it was not. Perhaps this says something about my perceptions about children and their views of their rights.

The video also emphasises that rights always come with responsibilities.

The resource pack contains information about the Convention and how to promote it in a practical and fun way.

For example, there is a rights quiz and a rights machine. This pack should be aimed as much at adults as at children because it reminds us that the more we listen to children the more we can learn. Recommended. 

Alan Jones is a family court adviser

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