Deprivation of liberty

Mental Health

English local authorities face average seven-month DoLS case backlog, official figures suggest

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Adults, Mental Health

Deprivation of liberty court applications double

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Adults, Mental Health

High Court blocks deprivation of liberty damages claim

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Adults, Mental Health

How the DoLS can give voice to people with minimal consciousness

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Adults, Mental Health

Urgent deprivation of liberty cases ‘not signed off for seven months’

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Adults, Mental Health

DoLS checks ‘exposing care failings missed by other assessments’

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Adults, Mental Health

Thousands of ‘unnecessary’ DoLS inquests causing families distress

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High Court

Children, Mental Health

Guide to the law on deprivation of liberty of children

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Adults, Mental Health

‘Demands of deprivation of liberty cases mean delays are inevitable’

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Adults, Mental Health, Workforce

Guidance on applying the law on deprivation of liberty

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Adults, Mental Health, Workforce

Resources to resolve your mental capacity and DoLS practice issues

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Adults, Mental Health

How to manage deprivations of liberty outside of the DoLS framework

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Adults, Mental Health

Ruling on privately-funded care adds to deprivation of liberty caseloads

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Adults, Mental Health

Government to face legal challenge over deprivation of liberty safeguards funding

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Mental Capacity Act

Adults, Mental Health

‘How proposals to reform deprivation of liberty have been pared back to cut costs’

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Adults, Mental Health

Best interests assessor role could be axed to cut costs of deprivation of liberty system

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