Tag Archives | child protection

Police camp at Sports Direct, Oakwood, Leeds, during Harehills disturbances on 18 July 2024


Council to urgently review child protection case linked to disturbances in Leeds suburb

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Social Worker Talking To Mother And Children At Home


‘Why parents in the child protection system need advocacy’

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King Charles delivering the 2023 King's Speech in Parliament

Adults, Children, Social work leaders, Workforce

Law to bolster child protection announced in Labour’s first King’s Speech

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Family taking a selfie together looking happy

Children, Social work leaders

Fostering Families: a relationship-based alternative to separating them

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June Thoburn leaning against archives of the times from the 1700s

Children, Workforce

‘Social workers need to understand their power’: June Thoburn on her research career

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Image of book marked 'family court' and judge's gavel (credit: Vitalii Vodolazskyi / Adobe Stock)

Adults, Children, Social work leaders

Third of recent infant care cases involved parents with learning disabilities or difficulties – research

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Research results post-it note on mouse

Adults, Children

How parents with learning disabilities lack support before, during and after care proceedings

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Report writing

Children, Inform Children

How to write a court report

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Eileen Munro sat at a conference room, wearing a black blazer and white shirt.

Social work leaders, Workforce

Eileen Munro on the legacy of her child protection review

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How effective is information sharing in child protection cases?

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Hidden faces shame

Children, Inform Children

Recognising and responding to shame in child protection: key practice points

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Herbert Laming

Children, Social work leaders, Workforce

The Victoria Climbié Inquiry chair reflects on social work, 21 years on

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Reform sign on a desk with a blurry background of a court room

Children, Social work leaders, Workforce

Seven more councils chosen to test family support and child protection reforms

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Finley Boden

Children, Social work leaders

Finley Boden: professionals should have protected baby murdered by his parents, review finds

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typewriter with a piece of paper on which 'Frisbee crockery by Rosie R' is written


Frisbee Crockery: a girl’s journey from abusive home to safety in care

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A team manager talking to practitioners with her back turned to the camera.


A day in the life of a safeguarding team manager

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