Tag Archives | children’s services performance

Image of compass arrow pointing to word 'improvement' (credit: Coloures-Pic / Adobe Stock)

Children, Social work leaders

‘Consistently high standards’ of social work earns Cafcass across-the-board outstanding rating

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Group meeting

Children, Social work leaders, Workforce

Moving from compliance to professional curiosity for social workers key to improvement – study

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Teenager looking upset

Children, Social work leaders

Inspectors to probe agencies’ response to serious youth violence

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Young therapist woman speaking and treating child, counselor and behaviour correction at pedagogue payroom taking notes on clipboard

Community Care, Workforce Insights

How one council secured a second consecutive outstanding rating for children’s services

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What are your thoughts

Adults, Children, Social work leaders, Workforce

‘Outstanding’ or ‘inadequate’: should a single word define the quality of social work services?

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Group of colleagues learning together

Children, Social work leaders, Workforce

Sensitivity to ‘bruised’ staff needed for effective DfE intervention in ‘inadequate’ services, finds study

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Night skyline image of Stoke-on-Trent (credit: alan1951 / Adobe Stock)

Children, Social work leaders

Council’s ‘relentless drive’ to improve children’s experiences helps it shed ‘inadequate’ tag

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Image of arrow showing improving performance (credit: jirsak / Adobe Stock)

Children, Social work leaders

‘Exceptional’ practice under ‘visionary’ leadership sees council rated outstanding across the board

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Bootle Town Hall

Children, Social work leaders

Council still at risk of losing children’s services despite signs of improvement

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Dial pointing at the word 'performance'

Children, Social work leaders

Council’s lack of social workers and demand spike led to delays in children receiving help, finds Ofsted

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Bootle Town Hall

Children, Social work leaders

Removing children’s services from council ‘would distract from improvement’, adviser tells DfE

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Image of Sir Alan Wood, chair of the children's social care What Works Centre

Children, Social work leaders

DfE intervenes in council after finding lack of improvement to children’s services

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Herefordshire County Council offices

Children, Social work leaders

‘It is very serious’: commissioner warns ‘inadequate’ council it must improve ‘at pace’

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Nottingham skyline

Children, Social work leaders

Children waiting up to six weeks to see social workers, as authority downgraded to ‘inadequate’

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Image of compass arrow pointing to word 'improvement' (credit: Coloures-Pic / Adobe Stock)

Children, Social work leaders

Boost to social worker numbers despite funding constraints helps council improve Ofsted grade

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