Tag Archives | Community Care Inform

Dark background with crumpled piece of yellow paper with words SELF HARM

Adults, Inform Adults

Responding to suspected self-harm: tips for adult social care practitioners

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Children, Inform Children

Using motivational interviewing in social work: four key techniques

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'Time to learn' written on notepad on desk with stapler, paperclips and pins


How do you learn in your social work role?

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A woman and man holding hands, giving each other support

Adults, Inform Adults

End-of-life care: tips for communicating with carers

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Report writing

Children, Inform Children

How to write a court report

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Picture of girl and her dad in front of a wall

Adults, Children, Inform Adults, Inform Children

Working with Gypsy and Traveller communities: tips for positive practice

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Things you should know written next to a lightbulb

Children, Social work leaders

Get up to speed with the DfE’s children’s social care reforms

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Hidden faces shame

Children, Inform Children

Recognising and responding to shame in child protection: key practice points

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Wall of blocks with symbols on them and a central one carrying the words 'assistive technology' in blue

Adults, Inform Adults

Assistive technology and dementia: practice tips

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Wooden figures using building blocks

Adults, Inform Adults

Strengths-based supervision: top tips for practice supervisors

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Roulette gambling in a casino

Adults, Inform Adults

Problem gambling: how to recognise the warning signs

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Child consoling parent/carer

Children, Inform Children

Parental mental illness and the role of stigma: key practice points

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Chalk board sketch of scales. Concept of balance between eye sight and hearing

Adults, Inform Adults

How to communicate with people who are deafblind

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Social worker reassuring a young person

Children, Inform Children

Extra-familial harm: understanding trauma responses in young people

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Walk The Talk Concept

Adults, Inform Adults

Executive functioning and the Mental Capacity Act 2005: points for practice

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Photo: Sabphoto/Adobe Stock

Children, Inform Children

Signs and indicators of county lines and criminal exploitation

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