Tag Archives | Mental Health Act 1983

Supreme Court

Adults, Children, Social work leaders

Legal analysis: the Supreme Court’s verdict on ordinary residence and mental health aftercare

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Young black man receiving a mental health assessment

Adults, Social work leaders, Workforce

AMHPs lack time for ‘extremely important’ pre-assessment work with people in crisis, finds survey

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Metropolitan Police flashing blue lights image

Adults, Children, Social work leaders

Police to stop attending mental health incidents unless there is significant safety risk or crime

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Police car with flashing blue lights

Adults, Children, Social work leaders

AMHP leads sound alarm over Met Police withdrawal from mental health-related incidents

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Mental health practitioner and client

Adults, Children, Workforce

‘Give AMHPs the therapeutic tools they need to underpin least restrictive practice’

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Picture of a man reading his newspaper with the logo 'Social Work Recap' on top

Adults, Children, Workforce

A social worker’s fond goodbye to a young person

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Adults, Children, Social work leaders

Unavailability of beds, doctors and transport increasing risks for those in crisis, warn AMHP heads

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Young black man receiving a mental health assessment

Adults, Children

UPDATED: Scrap most community treatment orders, MPs and peers urge government

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Houses of Parliament

Adults, Children, Social work leaders

The draft Mental Health Bill: parliamentary proposals for change

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Adults, Children, Social work leaders

Older people unlawfully detained in mental health hospitals because of poor DoLS practice, warns CQC

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AMHPs making greater use of Mental Health Act powers to tackle crises or suspected abuse or neglect

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Headline Standards on note pad; office desk with electronic devices, computer and paper, wood table from above

Adults, Social work leaders, Workforce

AMHP and approved mental capacity professional training standards finalised

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Social worker assessing older woman

Adults, Workforce

AMHP numbers shrink by 3% amid increase in detentions and plans to expand role

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Young black man receiving a mental health assessment

Adults, Children, Social work leaders

Archive: guide to the draft Mental Health Bill

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Young black man receiving a mental health assessment

Adults, Children, Social work leaders

Proposed Mental Health Act overhaul included in Queen’s Speech

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Middle-aged son comforting retiree terminally ill father, suffering pain, care


Distress, uncertainty and frustration: nearest relatives’ experience of Mental Health Act assessments

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