Tag Archives | social work recruitment and retention

DELAY - road sign information illustration

Adults, Workforce

Delay ‘unfunded’ cap on care costs, council body urges government

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Two women talking to each other at their desk in an office

Social work leaders, Workforce

Postgraduate apprenticeships provide new route into social work

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Grid of nine post-it notes with 'employee retention' written on the central one

Adults, Social work leaders, Workforce

Mental health social workers pose greatest recruitment and retention challenge for adults’ services

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Most social workers would prefer to work part-time, poll finds

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PART-TIME and FULL-TIME written on notebook on wooden desk with marker pen and glasses.

Social work leaders, Workforce

Proportion of social work roles offered part-time grows slightly but remains less than a quarter

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Workplace friendships help social work retention, finds poll

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Pad of paper with 'staff shortages' written on it

Social work leaders, Workforce

AMHP workforce 35% short of what is needed for 24-hour service, say leads

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Social workers on strike in Barnet


Social workers escalate dispute with nine-week walkout

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Barnet social workers represented by UNISON on the picket line


Social workers reject council offer to settle dispute after more than 40 days of strike action

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The word 'adoption' spelt out in coloured letters beneath cut-outs of a family

Children, Workforce

Adoption practice remains strong but regional agencies struggling to recruit and retain social workers

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Wooden blocks spelling out the word 'Morale'

Social work leaders, Workforce

Social worker morale has fallen since 2020, finds study for regulator

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Picture with a postit note that reads 'I quit!'

Social work leaders, Workforce

Most social workers report rise in number of experienced colleagues quitting jobs

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New Employees text on notepad, concept background

Children, Social work leaders, Workforce

Councils employing record number of children’s social workers on back of 25% recruitment boost

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agency word or concept represented by wooden letter tiles on a wooden table with glasses and a book

Adults, Social work leaders, Workforce

Use of agency social workers up 25% year on year in adults’ services

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UNISON vice president Julia Mwaluke on the picket line with Barnet UNISON strikers

Adults, Workforce

Social workers re-balloted on striking after 27 days of action leaves pay dispute unresolved

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A red line graph going upwards

Adults, Social work leaders, Workforce

Adult social worker numbers hit record high on back of funding rise

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