2006 Special reports

Chancellor’s Pre-Budget Report

Returning Expatriates to the UK

Community Care Providers Scotland Conference

Adult care star ratings

Dementia Care

Domestic violence update from Refuge’s annual conference

Supporting rough sleepers

Joint reviews of social services in Wales: too expensive and time-consuming?

Community Care Live Scotland

Looked-after-children Green Paper

Youth Justice Convention

Why schools will now engage with Every Child Matters: special report

Why social care in Northern Ireland needs modernising

Protecting adults from abuse

Local Government White Paper

Review of social work in England

National Children and Adult Services Conference


The Workforce 

Abuse allegations against foster carers

Budget-holding lead professionals

Scottish Mental Health Tribunal

Care Matters Green Paper

Family placement – special guardians

Trafficking and prostitution

Age discrimination

Forced marriages


Extended schools

The tightening of eligibility criteria

Homelessness in London

Social care workforce

Effect of Turnbull judgement on adults with learning difficulties

UN convention for disabled people

Unaccompanied asylum seeking children from Afghanistan and Iran

Child safety in early years settings

Assaults on mental health and learning difficulties staff

Inspection of Children’s services

International Child Care

Mental health foundation trusts

People with learning difficulties and employment

Sure Start is working – probably

Cornwall abuse – special report

Advocacy and older people

Child and adolescent mental health

Local Government Association Conference

Young Offenders

Special educational needs system slammed

Charities and corporations may team up to bid for public sector contracts

Megan’s law

Why people work informally while claiming benefits

Social exclusion

The plight of carers revealed


Charity questions government commitment to tackling HIV

Why disabled children ride in baby buggies

Children’s palliative care

End of life care

Drugs consumption rooms:

Confusion over independent adoption support social workers

Association of Directors of Social Workers Annual Conference

Domestic Violence

Race impact assessment on mental health legislation

Welsh Safeguarding Vulnerable Children Review

New agency to tackle online child abuse

Independent living for disabled people

Domestic violence draft guidelines

Measuring commissioning practice

Asylum seekers’ experiences

ADSS Spring Seminar

Lack of social care available to cancer sufferers

Detention of children in immigration centres

Scotland’s new adoption bill

Scrapping of the Mental Health Bill

Mental Health Plans

What the Budget means for social care

The lack of support for children with disabilities

Meals for older residents

Government response to consultation on its youth green paper

Older People’s Poverty

Family Resolution Schemes

ADSS Social Services Spending Survey

Social Care Funding

Care leavers

Care for older people with dementia

Families of murder victims need greater support

Parenting and children’s resilience in disadvantaged communities

Continuing Care

Scottish executive’s response to the 21st Century Review of Social Work

Plans for the CSA

The Carlile Inquiry

Health and Social Care White Paper

The Government’s prostitution strategy

Special report on Blair’s Respect agenda

The recent Sheffield serious case review

What does the future hold for mental health services?

Black people over represented in mental health system

Pre-Budget Report and Finance Settlement

Sure Start evaluation analysed

Jewish Care to means test relatives

Young offenders to be placed in open settings

Star Ratings

Prisoners could be categorised based on risk

Looked after children in Wales continue to rise

Government plans to make forced marriage a criminal offence

Scottish Legislation Plan

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