London Borough of Richmond upon Thames.
Adult and Community Services.
Provision of Social Support Services to Older People at the BarnesGreen Centre
Part B Service
Applications are invited from suitably experienced and qualified serviceproviders wishing to provide Day Care facilities for older people from theBarnes Green Centre. The Centre provides opportunities for older peopleto maximise their independence and access facilities to ensure that theymaintain and improve their wellbeing. Older people attending BarnesGreen would not qualify for day services provided directly by the Councilbecause of the low level of their dependency.
The Council intends introducing the concept of PULSE centres across theBorough and would expect the provider to work towards offering PULSEcentre facilities at Barnes Green during the lifespan of the contract.
The new Contracts, due to commence on 1st July 2009, will be for a 3 yearduration with the Council having an option to extend for a further 2 years.A summary of the key points of the Service Specification will be distributedwith a Pre-Qualification Questionnaire to enable providers to evaluate theirsuitability for this tender. A full Service Specification, along with a Pricingdocument and a Contract document, will be made available to thoseorganisations selected to tender.
The indicative gross expenditure for Social Support Services at BarnesGreen Centre over a 5 year period, based on current trends, is in therange of £465,000 and £495,000.
Those providers wishing to be considered should apply in writing to:Paul Blow, Contracts Manager, Adult and Community Services,London Borough of Richmond upon Thames, First Floor,The Civic Centre, 44 York Street, Twickenham, TW1 3BZ
Tel: 0208 831 6390, Email: no later than Friday 6th February 2009.
Applicants will be required to complete a questionnaire, which must bereturned no later than 2pm on Friday 6th March 2009. The questionnairewill also be available electronically. The Council intends to invite tenders bythe end of April 2009.
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