Community Care’s survey of social workers who are on or have recently completed their ASYE has found social workers praising the impact of the scheme. Here are some quotes from social workers.
- The commitment and support of my ASYE assessor promoted my productive learning journey.
- Felt supported due to a good and supportive manager and team members. Would answer all my questions and support with shadowing when needed the support with unknown or new situation.
Looking back, without the ASYE I don’t think I was going to be where I am at the moment. I have grown so much in confidence.
- The ASYE is a fantastic program. It encourages reflection and covers a range of knowledge and skills. The feedback was really good for identifying areas of development.
- I learnt so much on my ASYE, it put the learning from university into practice, my confidence developed. I have [been] able to share my learning with others and am proud to part of such an amazing profession.
My practice supervisor has been fantastic.
- Reflective, personal and case supervision offered. Amazing principal social worker available for debriefing or support.
- I had the same consultant and manager throughout my first year and it made all the difference.
Practice mentors have been a massive help. Always there for informal, formal and reflective supervision.
- I had a supportive manager who protected my caseload and appropriately supported my development with [child protection] cases, court work with appropriate support.
- The structure of the ASYE in my Local Authority was clear and had benchmarks throughout with regular reviews within supervision. I had peer support groups as well as a very supportive team/ team manager. This engendered a clear sense of support which enabled me to complete complex work autonomously, but with guidance when needed.
Although my caseload has been high, my manager, the head of service and my team have been extremely supportive in doing things to help boost my resilience.
- I work in a generic team and my manager works very closely with me to ensure my caseload is manageable but also ensures I keep on top of my ASYE work and take the time off work to complete it at all times.
- I really like my job and have made great relationships with my ASYE colleagues. I like the practice model in my employer authority and the opportunities it creates for the future.
My team is supportive, experienced and stable with a good manager and the authority supports my learning and development.
- I feel I have a very good skill and knowledge base and have grown massively in regards to competence.
- I had no previous local authority experience whatsoever. The ASYE prepared me and was vital as my training lacked statutory work. I was able to put theory to practice and reflect on this. I needed to build professional confidence and autonomy which I did at the end.I felt like the ASYE provided me with time to find my feet and explore the areas I felt uncomfortable with which has prepared me well for my next year of practice. I am anxious about losing the ASYE as there’s still some things I’m [not] comfortable with but I know my team and manager will support me when I need it.
These ASYE social worker must have had clear structure with their LA, along with good management & supervisor (ASYE Leads). Can’t say I’ve had a good experience.
This is good feedback. However, I am a third year student, and for a profession that insists and asks of its practitioners reflective and critical thinking. This was pretty much uncritical and unreflective. No persons totsl experience is so ‘polished’ and exemplary.. There is no evidence here of a critical examination of the ASYE. My initial conversations with practitioners on my placement, have given me s different view than that reflected here. In some cases. ASY£ didn’t happen. I have faith in community care to represent to me how social work really is, not how they would like it to be.
I had a very supportive superviser & team manager. My team was great as well. Most of the qualified colleagues invited me on their visits whenever it was convenient for service users & the service. It was obvious when we me met with other teams the importance of having a clear LA structure along with good management, superviser & team. Writing the reflective pieces also helped me to actually evaluate my practice better.