Social Work is a highly skilled profession that makes a HUGE difference to thousands of lives every day. More respect & appreciation needed. Without these Unsung Hero’s our country would be in a much worse state. Social work is complex with many parts too it. #SocialWorkAtItsBest
— Ben Ashcroft (@AshcroftBen) June 22, 2021
After working with this young person through her mum dying, numerous placement breakdowns, education giving up, and taking her horse riding weekly (as horses never give up) to get this message several years later #SocialWorkAtItsBest this is why I do it ❤️
— Kerry Bull (@KerryBull1) June 21, 2021
Car journeys with people over the years.. To support them get to appointments they were terrified to go to, to drop them off at detox units or rehabs .. Its where good conversations often happened, about all sorts and it felt like a good day at work. #SocialWorkAtItsBest
— Sradderrs (@howverydull) June 21, 2021
Previously as a student on my placement I worked with orphaned children. I brought cake for them and celebrated happy moments of joy with them. Played outdoor games with them and created creative drawings and cards for them, along with all the work. #SocialWorkAtItsBest
— Social Work Education (@sw__education) June 21, 2021
I worked with a SU who wouldn’t leave their room who watch multiple screens of Emmerdale at the same time, so I watched a few episodes and discussed it through a door I soon won SU round and we began working together, SU now lives a full life in the community #SocialWorkAtItsBest
— Sarah Daly (@sarahdaly25) June 21, 2021
Remembering going to see Titanic X 7 with the family of brothers & sisters in care I worked with years ago. They all wanted to see it with me individually. Loved each time & seeing their joy & responses. Think of them all the time, not so much Titanic though! #SocialWorkAtItsBest
— Sarah (@sarahblackmore2) June 21, 2021
I had 9 social workers and often felt like a tick box on visits. However, my last social worker (Jim), a proper Bristolian, was amazing. He cared for me so much and I truly felt it. The power of connection is real! I wish he was still around now to see me ❤️#socialworkatitsbest
— Nick Barwick (@NickBarwick) June 21, 2021
Saw a person at the weekend who I supported in my last role at adult social care before starting uni, he looked so well and thanked me for getting him started on the right path for him, made my day as I have thought of him often! Big smiles for both of us! #SocialWorkAtItsBest
— Abigail Davey (@AbigailDaveySSW) June 21, 2021
Thanks Sophie, the best example of this I can think of from the top of my head is some research I did a few years ago with @HayleyPert where we asked children in care about their experiences of social workers- almost all of them had at least one ‘great’ social worker
— Clive Diaz (@diaz_clive) June 21, 2021
I remember doing a supervised #contact on the beach, something they’d never done before, so many laughs & smiles. I hope they have kept those memories with them now they are apart. Jeez #socialwork is tough. Perhaps there were bits of what I did that were #SocialWorkAtItsBest
— JRB22 (@JRB225) June 21, 2021
Receiving an email from a Key Worker at the request of a YP in care wanting to thank me for all I’m doing to help him as his SW, made my heart sing! Not because of the thanks but because he had the confidence to reach out and speak out.Thats progress, that’s #SocialWorkAtItsBest
— MaryATSW (@MaryAT94175513) June 21, 2021
#socialworkatitsbest when parents and family don’t or can’t for whatever reasons attend a school sports day or Sunday football match of a Child in care, but the social worker does. Seen it many times. ?
— Suescarletty (Sue Kessler) (@suescarletty) June 21, 2021
Saw a dad and his son waiting at the bus stop together recently and remembered how hard he (and I) worked to keep his son in his care when ALL the odds were against him. #socialworkatitsbest
— Anna Bacchoo (@ABacchoo) June 21, 2021
When I went to court to reunify a parent and child – the judge said ‘we’ll get on with it then!’ Parent and me stand up and hug in the court and both cry and that was in my top 5 best ever moments in this job ❤️ #SocialWorkAtItsBest
— theuncivilservant (@grumpyjanner) June 21, 2021
Booked a wedding for an older couple living in care home. Hurdles after hurdles and other professionals not supportive.. it was all worth it when I visted and gave them a card each with the details of their wedding day ? #SocialWorkAtItsBest
— Jade (@Handwritten59) June 22, 2021
For me supporting a young person with renal failure through surgery to have a new kidney and knowing he had the opportunity for some ordinary young people experiences now makes my heart happy #SocialWorkAtItsBest
— Emma Kate (@Emma_Kate_SW) June 22, 2021
Supporting a young disabled mother of two under 5s with MND to arrange a Nannie and get a good PA whilst supporting her husband back into work. She wanted to secure their future as hers was so sadly limited. #socialworkatitsbest
— Andy Lawrence (@AndyLawro) June 22, 2021
Supported a lady with advanced Dementia into care as no longer safe at home. She was a music teacher& loved to play piano. I ensured the care home had a piano. She plays for residents&staff every single night for a sing a long #socialworkatitsbest
— Amy? (@amyjoycew_) June 22, 2021
A 15 year old girl, who had run away told me about a man her boyfriend (abuser /pimp) and I carefully listened and noted everything she said including his name. A year later the contemporaneous notes helped to convict him without her having to give evidence. #socialworkatitsbest
— Nora D SW tutor (@duckett_n) June 21, 2021
Working with a young asylum seeker. Helping him meet others in youth work settings, giving evidence to support his leave to remain and cycling round Millport together. All of these things hold value in different ways but together it’s relationship based work #SocialWorkAtItsBest
— Anita Heyes (@anita_heyes) June 21, 2021
I supported a young pregnant girl, living in a tent by the canal, in depths of winter – she wore coats & jumpers donated by my sister, sleeping bags donated by my cousin – joint effort to keep her & baby alive until I coaxed her into emergency accommodation #SocialWorkAtItsBest
— Karen Aspinall (@KarenAspinall) June 22, 2021
The one Christmas when I did my foster carer unannounced visits as a penguin ? #socialworkatitsbest
— Alison Tasker (@ali_tasker) June 21, 2021
Am really glad and appreciated all what has been done by these wonderful people.