More than 700 barred from working with vulnerable adults

More than 700 people have been prevented from working in
regulated social care settings by the Protection of Vulnerable
Adults scheme, it emerged today, writes Clare

Under the scheme, which has been running for one year this week,
155 people have been permanently banned from working with
vulnerable people while 559 people have been provisionally banned
pending clarification of their cases.

Care services minister Liam Byrne said: “We are absolutely
committed to reducing the risk of abuse at the hands of dangerous
or unscrupulous individuals.”

An audit of the first 100 referrals by the King’s Fund

• Even though male workers form just five to 15 per cent
of the workforce, just over a third of referrals concerned male
workers involved in physical abuse.

• Neglect and physical abuse were two of the main reasons
for referrals and this type of abuse was most likely to be found in
residential settings.

• Many workers were referred for more than one type of

Byrne added: “The large number of referrals to Pova is a
clear and very welcome sign that employers are taking their
responsibilities seriously.”

The researchers concluded that there is a need for a wider
examination on the quality of social care employment practice, more
information on ethnicity of service users and staff and more
guidance about the roles of adult protection teams.

They also found that male workers were more likely to be
involved in direct forms of harm whereas female workers are more
likely to be involved in neglect or financial abuse.

Consideration should be given as to whether staff are adequately
equipped to deal with challenging behaviour.


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