Tag Archives | care placements

Yvette Stanley

Children, Social work leaders, Workforce

Number of children’s homes up 44% since 2020 as fostering sector shrinks

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Screen with the word 'profits' written on it along with various related symbols

Children, Social work leaders

Bill to end profit from children’s care placements in Wales published

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Financial concept meaning TAX HAVEN with inscription on the File Folder.

Children, Social work leaders

Children’s homes body excludes providers funded through tax havens from membership

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Michael Gove

Adults, Children, Social work leaders

Gove finds extra £500m for social care following last-ditch calls to ease council pressures

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A red line graph going upwards

Children, Social work leaders

Councils face insolvency without rules curbing children’s care costs, warns ADCS head

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Yvette Stanley

Children, Social work leaders, Workforce

‘Good social work basics’ key to year-on-year children’s services improvements – Ofsted

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Asylum-seeking child

Children, Social work leaders

15th consecutive rise in care population in England over past year, DfE data shows

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A red line graph going upwards

Children, Social work leaders

Rising children’s social care costs deepening councils’ financial woes, finds study

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Image of Sir Andrew McFarlane, president of the family division of the High Court

Children, Social work leaders

Courts to stop monitoring regulation of unregistered placements for children deprived of liberty

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Beverley Barnett-Jones

Children, Social work leaders

Deprivation of liberty: ‘We’re managing risk – not helping these children recover’

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Image of folder marked 'Regulations' (credit: caracoot / Adobe Stock)

Children, Social work leaders

‘Catastrophic’ loss of one in five supported accommodation beds projected, as regulation looms

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Picture of a man reading his newspaper with the logo 'Social Work Recap' on top

Adults, Children

Politicians urge end to ‘horrendous’ handcuffing of children in care

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Regional policy key on keyboard

Children, Social work leaders

Are regional care co-operatives the answer to care placement challenge?

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woman looking downcast

Children, Social work leaders

Multiple and complex needs found in backgrounds of children deprived of liberty

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Image of Sir Andrew McFarlane, president of the family division of the High Court

Children, Social work leaders

Children are in ‘extreme crisis’: top judge berates DfE’s six-year failure to tackle ‘gross’ lack of secure units

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Jigsaw puzzle showing supply demand gap

Children, Social work leaders

Placements ‘do not exist’ for asylum-seeking children in hotels – ADCS

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