Tag Archives | care worker pay

King Charles delivering the 2023 King's Speech in Parliament

Adults, Children, Social work leaders, Workforce

Law to bolster child protection announced in Labour’s first King’s Speech

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Mug full of coffee next to pile of post-it notes, with the top one reading 'What's your legacy?'

Adults, Social work leaders, Workforce

The legacy of Conservative rule for adult social care

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David Pearson

Adults, Social work leaders, Workforce

Increasing qualification levels, linked to pay, under consideration in adult social care workforce strategy

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budget cuts

Adults, Social work leaders, Workforce

Four in ten adult care providers reduced services last year due to cost pressures

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A practice educator or social work manager talking to a student

Adults, Social work leaders, Workforce

Councils given funding to train more staff as social workers through apprenticeships

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Blocks spelling out the word 'funding'

Adults, Children, Social work leaders, Workforce

More council ‘bankruptcies’ predicted as government rejects calls for extra social care funding

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Photo: ducdao/Fotolia

Adults, Children, Social work leaders, Workforce

10% national living wage hike will trigger adult social care cuts, councils warn

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Home care worker speaking to older person

Adults, Social work leaders, Workforce

10% pay rise for thousands of care workers as government announces national living wage rise

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Home care worker speaking to older person

Adults, Social work leaders, Workforce

Qualification levels and average pay have fallen for care workers, official data shows

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Care worker or nurse looking stressed

Adults, Social work leaders, Workforce

‘Very bad’ employers exploiting overseas social care staff, warns government migration adviser

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Home care worker speaking to older person

Adults, Social work leaders, Workforce

60,000 boost to care workforce from overseas staff in past year

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Image of crossroads (credit: 1STunningART / Adobe Stock)

Adults, Social work leaders, Workforce

Raise pay, cut charges and provide rights to support: report for ADASS sets roadmap for ‘saving social care’

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Care worker putting a bandage on a man's arm in his home.

Adults, Workforce

Care workers’ lack of power at work behind tolerance of poor pay and conditions, finds report

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Pay gap image

Adults, Social work leaders, Workforce

Minimum price of home care to rise by 12% next year, says provider body

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Old metal sign with the inscription Vacancies

Adults, Social work leaders, Workforce

CQC urges government to fund better pay for care staff to tackle ‘gridlocked’ system

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Home care worker speaking to older person

Adults, Social work leaders, Workforce

Average care worker earns less than over 80% of wider workforce

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