Tag Archives | learning disabilities

Mental health practitioner and client

Adults, Children

Bolstering AMHP role can ‘vastly reduce’ detention numbers under existing MHA, say service heads

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Image of book marked 'family court' and judge's gavel (credit: Vitalii Vodolazskyi / Adobe Stock)

Adults, Children, Social work leaders

Third of recent infant care cases involved parents with learning disabilities or difficulties – research

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Research results post-it note on mouse

Adults, Children

How parents with learning disabilities lack support before, during and after care proceedings

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Mental Health. Stress, tension, relationships and work environment concept. Man's hand, holding magnifying glass

Adults, Children

Mental Health Act reform: where the government stands

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Community Care, Workforce Insights

Podcast: supporting adults with learning disabilities and autistic people post-pandemic

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Elaine James, with her social justice advocate award at the 2023 Social Worker of the Year Awards ceremony

Adults, Social work leaders, Workforce

The social worker advocating for people with learning disabilities

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Human rights card

Adults, Children, Social work leaders

DHSC rejects experts’ plan to curb ‘inhumane’ solitary confinement of disabled people in hospital

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A sad little girl with Down syndrome looking down at home.

Adults, Children

Self-harm and learning disability: the role of grief

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Picture of a man reading his newspaper with the logo 'Social Work Recap' on top

Adults, Children

Jacob Crouch: action taken to protect babies following case, says safeguarding body

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Picture of a man reading his newspaper with the logo 'Social Work Recap' on top

Adults, Children, Workforce

Social workers and students urge ministers to reconsider bursary freeze

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Research results post-it note on mouse

Adults, Children

‘Substituted parenting’ risk used to justify removing children without evidence base, finds study

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Picture of a man reading his newspaper with the logo 'Social Work Recap' on top

Adults, Children, Workforce

Lack of social care workforce plan ‘a missed opportunity’

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Dictionary, definition of the word abuse.

Adults, Workforce

Four care staff convicted of mistreating people with learning disabilities at hospital

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Blocks spelling out 'what does it mean?'

Children, Social work leaders, Workforce

What disabled children’s abuse inquiry means for social workers and councils

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Ascending steps with the words 'make things better' written on them to symbolise improvement

Children, Social work leaders, Workforce

Safeguarding overhaul needed to better protect disabled children in care, says abuse inquiry

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Human rights card


Social workers’ role in promoting the human right to vote

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